Working from home

I find myself working more hours now I am working from home. I am doing research at up to 2am the next day and filling in any other time when I am not taking care of my family. The expectations from work and from home have risen since quarantine. Now that I am “working from the comfort of my home, I am asked to perform as if there wasn’t a world pandemic happening, as if all my life depended on was to come up with innovative ways to get my job done and nothing else. On the other hand, as a African immigrant wife I am also expected to have a very tidy home as well as many options for diner ready. Now as a mom I am expected to ride bikes, play Legos and pretend all day long without getting tired. And I am supposed to be all of these things with a big smile on my face, without getting stressed, nor angry and I am definitely not allowed to have a break down.