AIHRC’s mission is to increase patient engagement and equitable partnerships in research for African immigrant patients, caregivers, and organizations in New England, and foster a sustainable patient-driven research network focused on addressing inequities in African immigrant health.

African immigrants have been uniquely affected by the coronavirus crisis. There is a need for researchers, health care providers and the health care system to understand their experiences and develop culturally and linguistically appropriate interventions.

A Photovoice project lifting the voices of African immigrants. Come hear about their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Virtual Platforms
What type of medicine is that? Understanding the gaps in culturally & linguistically appropriate virtual engagement methods for African immigrants.
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#ARP2024 National Report Out Webinar
Africanizing the Research Paradigm Summit
The national report-out webinar will share preliminary findings from the various conversations held at the #ARP2024 Summit in July 2024. Attendees will also have the opportunity to discuss potential next steps during the session..