
This picture is the picture of my son who had cold and the doctor told him he had symptoms of corona. My son came home and told me “Mama I am going to die. They told me I have corona.” Before I knew it the news spread, I don’t know how, and even when I went to work the same day I wasn’t allowed to work because they said they know a family member has corona, this lso affected my other son who couldn’t work as well because his employers found out the news of my other son’s corona. I was told to quarantine for 14days without any contact with the outside world, even my family members in Tanzania got to hear of the news and told me to steam some veggies and inhale the steam to make my son better because they said corona does like heat and any form of heat will kill it. So inhale steam, bath hot water drink hot water and this was for all 7 members of my family. I was very sad at the separation between myself and my family members which is different from how things were before when people came to see you when you are sick. And we thought some of us were going to die. I felt bad when even Thato couldn’t come into my house or hug me anymore.