Mental Health
Corley, A., & Sabri, B. (2021). Exploring African Immigrant Women’s Pre- and Post-Migration Exposures to Stress and Violence, Sources of Resilience, and Psychosocial Outcomes. Issues in mental health nursing, 42(5), 484–494.
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Ogunbajo, A., Anyamele, C., Restar, A. J., Dolezal, C., & Sandfort, T. (2019). Substance Use and Depression Among Recently Migrated African Gay and Bisexual Men Living in the United States. Journal of immigrant and minority health, 21(6), 1224–1232.
Ahmed, S., & Rasmussen, A. (2020). Changes in social status and postmigration mental health among West African immigrants. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 90(2), 171–180.
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Venters, H., Adekugbe, O., Massaquoi, J., Nadeau, C., Saul, J., & Gany, F. (2011). Mental health concerns among African immigrants. Journal of immigrant and minority health, 13(4), 795–797.